YAKAYA, an ethical fashion brand inspired by Guatemalan weaving art.
Our mission is to create fashion with a purpose – connecting cultures, inspiring beauty, teaching, learning, collaborating and supporting talented artisans; offering them a platform to share their artwork with a global market.
We use Guatemalan fabrics in our designs and create customized pieces to perfectly fit the customer’s style and body shape. There is also a small line of ready-made styles available.
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(Scroll down for English Version)
YAKAYA Damen Kleid Summer Midi Dress "Suryani" mit gewebten Ikat Muster Stoff aus Guatemala - jedes Teil ein Unikat - Ethno, Hippie, Boho, Azteken - Style - Auf Bestellung
"Suryani" bedeutet die Sonne, Sonnengott, symbolisch auch für den Atman und das kosmische Licht in Sanskrit. Dieses Sommerkleid für Sonnengöttinnen wurde am magischen See Atitlan in Guatemala entworfen. Voll Sonnenenergie, damit die Sonnengöttinnen hell und warm leuchten.
Der weit-schwingende Saum lässt die Göttin mit Leichtigkeit und Anmut durch das Universum schweben.
Handgefertigtes Kleid auf Bestellung.
Neckholder-Kleid mit V-Ausschnitt vorne und hinten. A-Silhouette mit Raffung unter der Brust und Rüschen am Saum.
Dieses Kleid ist auch als "Maßanfertigung" erhältlich. Bitte senden Sie eine Anfrage per Mail: info@yakaya.de
– Handmade in Germany, Berlin –
Oberstoff: 100% Baumwolle
- 30 Grad Handwäsche mit etwas Essig oder Salz, damit die leuchtenden Farben lang erhalten bleiben.
- Bügeln auf mittlerer Temperatur.
#yakaya #fashion #lifestyle #ethno #festivaloutfit #styleoftheday #madewithlove #handmade #boho #slowfashion #handwoven #goddess #maya #guatemala #guatemaya #hippy #folklore #ikat
(English Version)
A symbiosis of ancient art & contemporary design, made ethically with a social impact
YAKAYA, an ethical fashion brand inspired by Guatemalan weaving art.
Our mission is to create fashion with a purpose – connecting cultures, inspiring beauty, teaching, learning, collaborating and supporting talented artisans; offering them a platform to share their artwork worldwide.
We use Guatemalan fabrics in our designs and create customized pieces to perfectly fit the customer’s style and body shape. There is also a small line of ready-made styles available.
Svetlana Sekerin
Designer and Founder
I am a passionate and experienced Ethical Fashion Designer from Berlin, Germany and currently living part-time at Lake Atitlan, Guatemala.
Searching for a greater purpose in life, I felt a calling to travel to Guatemala and connect with the Mayan culture through exploring their villages and getting to know the local weavers.
Creating fashion with a purpose is my mission – sharing my skills through teaching local women new sewing and pattern-making techniques, and supporting them with a fair living wage to create a better world for them and their families.